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Comparable Gossip

Last summer I was invited to come to a conference about GOSSIP. The meeting was a bit peculiar. The host was ORONA (a elevate and stairway manufacturer) and their choice of venue was their traditional English PUB. This easily made the top 3 list of most interesting places to have a conference…in a bar.

The Topic was Gossip. The treasure chest of your company?
I was allowed to sit at the bar having a front row seat to the afternoons speakers. Their place of sharing being BEHIND said bar. My intention was to make drawing of their expert view on the subject and connect them after the event was done. What I found was a very well curated set of people, who all have very different perspectives on what you can call GOSSIP.
My other realisation was that during the process of translating the notes to one visual rendering I found that making portret of all attendees was a great way to give back what was said and more importantly who said it.

The visual notes you see above were made during the event. The poster below was the result of its visual translation. The poster was used to connect with all the participants personally and give back something special for their attendance.

Now the great insight lay in the creation of a PHONE based visual story that turned this poster into something you can browse through more easily and give attention to all of the different perspectives.

The event was organised by Rene Degen and Jeroen Peters of COMPARABLE .
It was a great opportunity to see how you could make the content of an event reach beyond the event day itself.

Thanks guys!

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