De kracht is ons netwerk!
Ons netwerk bestaat uit heel diverse mensen, partijen en sectoren, verbonden door één gezamenlijke deler: we zijn allemaal intrinsiek gemotiveerd om meer Nederlanders meer te laten bewegen. Samen hebben we de energie, kracht, en de variëteit aan kennis en middelen om daadwerkelijk in actie te komen. De Beweegalliantie zorgt dat partijen en organisaties structureler impact kunnen hebben door de kracht van elkaars netwerken te benutten. Samen ruimen we obstakels op, schalen we succesvolle en vernieuwende initiatieven op en maken we structurele problemen inzichtelijk bij beleidsmakers & politici.
Beweging brengen, door bewegelijk te zijn!
Obstakels verwijderen
Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or
aanjagen van opschalen
Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social
Stimuleren van initiatieven
Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-
Overzicht van beweging
Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines, values distinction in detail and gives careful
Beweeg Partners
Dan, Chief Designer — “Hub began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception.”
Dan, Chief Designer — “Hub began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception.”
Dan, Chief Designer — “Hub began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception.”
Dan, Chief Designer — “Hub began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception.”
Dan, Chief Designer — “Hub began as a collaborative architectural and landscape workshop, and has remained true to its trans-disciplinary way of thinking since its inception.”